
在Blender 3.3中设计详细的3D手表视频教程 (英文)

在Blender 3.3中设计详细的3D手表


  • 开启数字工艺的变革之旅,学会在“设计详细的3D手表”中制作精美的数字模型。
  • 深入Blender的直观界面和强大工具,学习3D手表设计的基础知识。
  • 制作精心细致的手表组件,从表身到表带和表盘。
  • 掌握高级技术,如次表面建模和纹理映射,获得真正令人惊叹的结果。
  • 在您的创作中融入艺术表达,最终呈现一款展现工艺和优雅的令人叹为观止的3D手表。


  • 在Blender中有初级经验。
  • 安装Blender 3.5软件(免费)。
  • 最低要求:Windows 8.1(64位)、macOS 11.2(Big Sur)或带有glibc 2.28或更新版本的Linux(64位)。


在广阔的数字设计领域中,精心制作复杂的3D模型的艺术具有特殊的魅力。《在Blender 3.3中设计详细的3D手表》邀请有抱负的艺术家和经验丰富的创作者一起踏上数字工艺的变革之旅。由经验丰富的Blender艺术家领导,该课程全面探索了从零开始创建惊人的3D手表的整个过程。这个旅程始于一个启发人心的介绍,在这里参与者深入探讨了3D手表设计的基础知识,并熟悉了Blender的直观界面和强大工具。有了新获得的知识,学习者们进入了课程的核心:逐步创建一个精心制作的3D手表。在每个模块中,精确和目的逐渐展开。参与者学会雕刻手表的表身,制作手表表带的复杂细节,并细致地设计手表表盘,密切关注每个刻度、指针和标记。重点不仅放在技术熟练程度上,还注重艺术表达,鼓励参与者为他们的创作注入个性和风格。随着旅程的进行,参与者不断完善他们的技能,掌握高级技术,如次表面建模和纹理映射。随着每个模块的进行,他们逐渐接近实现自己的愿景——一款展现工艺和优雅的令人叹为观止的3D手表。在最后一个模块中,参与者进行最后的润色,确保每个细节都完美无缺,每个表面都闪烁着真实感。完成他们的杰作后,参与者不仅成为了熟练的3D艺术家,还成为了解锁数字设计无限潜力的创作者。在整个课程中,参与者将得到其他创作者社区的支持,并在指导员的专业知识指导下进行学习。要加入这个变革之旅,您所需的只是在您的计算机上安装Blender软件,并且对数字设计充满激情并愿意探索您的创造力。

Designing A Detailed 3D Watch In Blender 3.3

Published 4/2024
MP4 | Video: h264, 1920×1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 952.63 MB | Duration: 1h 15m

Designing a Detailed 3D Watch in Blender 3.3

What you’ll learn
Embark on a transformative journey into digital craftsmanship with “Designing a Detailed 3D Watch.”
Delve into Blender’s intuitive interface and powerful tools while learning 3D watch design fundamentals.
Craft meticulously detailed watch components, from the body to the strap and watch face.
Master advanced techniques like subsurface modeling and texture mapping for a truly stunning result.
Infuse artistic expression into your creation, culminating in a breathtaking 3D watch exuding craftsmanship and elegance.

Beginner experience with Blender
Installation of Blender 3.5 software (free)
MINIMUM: Windows 8.1 (64-bit), macOS 11.2 (Big Sur) or Linux with glibc 2.28 or newer (64-bit)

In the vast realm of digital design, the art of crafting intricate 3D models holds a special allure. “Designing a Detailed 3D Watch in Blender 3.3” invites aspiring artists and seasoned creators alike to embark on a transformative journey into the world of digital craftsmanship. Led by a seasoned Blender artist, this course offers a comprehensive exploration of the entire process of creating a stunning 3D watch from scratch.The journey begins with an enlightening introduction, where participants delve into the fundamentals of 3D watch design and acquaint themselves with Blender’s intuitive interface and powerful tools. With newfound knowledge in hand, learners proceed to the heart of the course: the step-by-step creation of a meticulously detailed 3D watch.Throughout each module, precision and purpose unfold. Participants learn to sculpt the watch body, craft the intricate details of the watch strap, and painstakingly design the watch face, paying close attention to every dial, hand, and marking. Emphasis is placed not only on technical proficiency but also on artistic expression, encouraging participants to infuse their creations with personality and style.As the journey progresses, participants refine their skills, mastering advanced techniques such as subsurface modeling and texture mapping. With each module, they inch closer to realizing their vision—a breathtaking 3D watch that exudes craftsmanship and elegance.In the final module, participants apply the finishing touches, ensuring that every detail is perfect and every surface gleams with authenticity. With their masterpiece complete, participants emerge from the course not only as skilled 3D artists but also as creators who have unlocked the boundless potential of digital design.Throughout the course, participants are supported by a community of fellow creators and guided by the expertise of the instructor. To join this transformative journey, all you need is access to Blender software installed on your computer, along with a passion for digital design and a willingness to explore your creativity.

Section 1: Main Curriculum

Lecture 1 00 Intro to Modeling a Designer Watch

Lecture 2 01 Model a Watch Body

Lecture 3 02 Model a Watch Strap

Lecture 4 03 Detail a Watch Strap

Lecture 5 04 Model a Watch Face

Lecture 6 05 Detail a Watch Face

Lecture 7 06 Extra Details to Watch

Lecture 8 07 Subsurface Modeling of Watch

Lecture 9 08 Final Touches on 3D Watch

Lecture 10 Bonus Lecture

Absolute Beginners




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