
在Blender 3.5中打造客厅场景视频教程 (英文)

在Blender 3.5中打造客厅场景


  • 使用“在Blender 3.5中打造客厅场景”将设计理念转化为令人惊叹的3D可视化效果。
  • 从基本的布局和尺寸开始,逐步进行详细的家具布置。
  • 掌握建模复杂对象和探索材质创建的高级技巧。
  • 完美的照明、着色和渲染,实现逼真的结果。


  • 在Blender中有初级经验。
  • 安装Blender 3.5软件(免费)。
  • 最低要求:Windows 8.1(64位)、macOS 11.2(Big Sur)或带有glibc 2.28或更新版本的Linux(64位)。


进入室内设计的世界,使用“在Blender 3.5中打造客厅场景”。这个全面的课程是您将设计理念转化为令人惊叹的3D可视化效果的门户,使用Blender 3.5,这是一款功能强大、多功能的3D建模软件。要完全参与这门课程,您需要在您的计算机上安装Blender 3.5软件。此外,准备好一个充满创造力和探索精神的心态,因为我们将深入探讨3D室内设计的复杂性。课程大纲经过精心设计,以指导您创建一个逼真的客厅场景的每一个方面。我们将从“开始布置房间”开始,您将设置基本的布局和尺寸,确保为您的设计奠定坚实的框架。随着我们的进展,我们将深入挖掘场景的细节,包括必要的家具和装饰元素。从舒适的沙发、靠垫和柜子到实用的桌子、椅子和灯具,您将掌握在Blender中创建逼真家具的艺术。接下来,我们将在“复杂的房间物品”中处理更复杂的房间物品,您将学习高级技巧,以建模复杂的物体,如电子设备、艺术品和装饰物品,为您的场景增添深度和丰富性。在“材质和颜色”中,我们将探讨材质创建和颜色理论的原则,以提升您的设计,增添逼真感和视觉吸引力。然后,我们将在“照明、着色和渲染”中掌握照明、着色和渲染的艺术,您将学习设置动态照明设置,并实现逼真的结果,使您的客厅场景栩栩如生。无论您是初学者迈出3D设计的第一步,还是一名经验丰富的Blender用户想要完善您的技能,这门课程都将为您提供知识和技术,以打造令人着迷的客厅场景,给客户和观众留下深刻的印象。加入我们,踏上这个创造性的旅程,在Blender 3.5中释放您的3D室内设计潜力!

Crafting A Living Room Scene In Blender 3.5

Published 4/2024
MP4 | Video: h264, 1920×1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 2.16 GB | Duration: 1h 57m

Designing Your Dream Living Room: A Masterclass in Blender 3.5

What you’ll learn
Transform design ideas into stunning 3D visualizations with “Crafting a Living Room Scene.”
Lay the foundation with basic layout and dimensions, progressing to detailed furnishings.
Master advanced techniques for modeling intricate objects and exploring material creation.
Perfect lighting, shading, and rendering for photorealistic results

Beginner experience with Blender
Installation of Blender 3.5 software (free)
MINIMUM: Windows 8.1 (64-bit), macOS 11.2 (Big Sur) or Linux with glibc 2.28 or newer (64-bit)

Step into the world of interior design with “Crafting a Living Room Scene in Blender 3.5.” This comprehensive course is your gateway to transforming your design ideas into stunning 3D visualizations using Blender 3.5, a powerful and versatile 3D modeling software.To fully engage in this course, you’ll need access to Blender 3.5 software installed on your computer. Additionally, come prepared with a mindset ready for creativity and exploration as we dive into the intricacies of 3D interior design.The curriculum is meticulously structured to guide you through every aspect of creating a lifelike living room scene. We’ll start by laying the foundation of the room in “Starting the Room,” where you’ll set up the basic layout and dimensions, ensuring a solid framework for your design.As we progress, we’ll delve into detailing the scene with essential furniture pieces and décor elements. From the cozy Couch, Pillows & Cabinet to the functional Table, Chair & Lamp, you’ll master the art of creating realistic furnishings in Blender.Next, we’ll tackle more complex room items in “Complex Room Items,” where you’ll learn advanced techniques for modeling intricate objects like electronics, artworks, and decorative items, adding depth and richness to your scene.In “Materials and Colors,” we’ll explore the principles of material creation and color theory to elevate your design, adding realism and visual interest. Then, we’ll master the art of lighting, shading, and rendering in “Lighting, Shading & Rendering,” where you’ll learn to set up dynamic lighting setups and achieve photorealistic results that bring your living room scene to life.Whether you’re a beginner taking your first steps into 3D design or an experienced Blender user looking to refine your skills, this course will equip you with the knowledge and techniques to craft captivating living room scenes that will impress clients and audiences alike. Join us on this creative journey and unlock your potential in 3D interior design with Blender 3.5!

Section 1: Main Curriculum

Lecture 1 01 Starting the room

Lecture 2 02 Couch, pillows & cabinet

Lecture 3 03 Table, Chair & lamp

Lecture 4 04 Complex room items

Lecture 5 05 materials and colors

Lecture 6 06 lighting, shading & rendering

Lecture 7 Bonus Lecture

Absolute Beginners




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