
视频教程:GenAI 与网络安全:学习 OpenAI 文本嵌入 (英文)

视频教程:GenAI 与网络安全:学习 OpenAI 文本嵌入

发布时间 2024年6月
作者:Peter Alkema, Irlon Terblanche
MP4 | 视频:h264, 1280×720 | 音频:AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2声道
类型:在线学习 | 语言:英语 | 时长:31讲(1小时30分钟) | 大小:1.23 GB

利用 AI 的力量保护我们的数字世界:从基础到高级威胁检测技术


  • 理解 AI 在网络安全中的局限性和能力
  • 为网络安全应用实现文本嵌入和向量
  • 学习使用 AI 工具检测和缓解网络威胁的技能
  • 掌握先进的 AI 技术以增强网络安全措施


  • 基本了解 AI 概念和原理
  • 熟悉编程语言,尤其是 Python
  • 基本了解网络安全基础知识
  • 能够使用数据分析和可视化工具


如何利用 AI 的力量保护我们的数字世界?想象一下,你是一个大型公司的首席信息安全官(CISO)。每天,你都会收到关于潜在安全漏洞、网络钓鱼尝试和恶意软件的警报。数量之多令人难以应对,传统方法显得不足。问题非常突出:“如何高效地保护我的组织免受这些不断演变的网络威胁?”这时,AI 与网络安全应运而生。

在本课程中,你将跟随 Julia 的故事,她是一位面临同样挑战的 CISO。由于拥有大量敏感数据,她的组织成为网络犯罪分子的主要目标。尽管拥有强大的安全团队,他们仍难以跟上复杂攻击的步伐。Julia 知道必须有更好的方法,于是她发现了 AI 的变革力量。


AI 在网络安全中的角色

你将学习 AI 的基本原理以及如何将这些原理应用于实时检测和缓解威胁。课程还会介绍 AI 的局限性,确保你对其能力和潜在缺陷有一个平衡的认识。


接下来,我们深入探讨技术细节,从文本嵌入和向量开始。这些强大的工具使 AI 系统能够理解和处理语言,这是识别网络钓鱼邮件、垃圾邮件和其他基于文本的威胁的关键。你将获得实施这些技术的实践经验,将理论知识转化为实用技能。


Julia 的故事继续,她将 AI 集成到她的安全基础设施中。你将跟随她的脚步,学习设置和配置 AI 工具的挑战。这部分涵盖了从环境设置到数据准备的所有内容,使你对技术要求和最佳实践有全面的了解。

高级 AI 技术

进入高级 AI 技术时,真正的魔力开始展现。你将探索如何创建特征表示和 3D 模型,这些模型可以进行更复杂的分析和威胁检测。这些方法提供了更深的数据洞察,使预测更加准确,响应更迅速。



GenAI & Cybersecurity: Learn OpenAI Text Embedding

Published 6/2024
Created by Peter Alkema,Irlon Terblanche
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280×720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Duration: 31 Lectures ( 1h 30m ) | Size: 1.23 GB

Unlock the Power of AI in Cybersecurity: From Basics to Advanced Threat Detection Techniques

What you’ll learn:
Understand the limitations and capabilities of AI in cybersecurity
Implement text embeddings and vectors for cybersecurity applications
Develop skills to use AI tools for detecting and mitigating cyber threats
Gain proficiency in advanced AI techniques to enhance cybersecurity measures

Basic understanding of AI concepts and principles
Familiarity with programming languages, especially Python
Basic knowledge of cybersecurity fundamentals
Comfortable using data analysis and visualization tools

How can we harness the power of AI to protect our digital world?Imagine you’re the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at a large corporation. Each day, you’re inundated with alerts about potential security breaches, phishing attempts, and malware. The sheer volume is overwhelming, and traditional methods are proving insufficient. The question looms large: “How can I efficiently protect my organization against these evolving cyber threats?” Enter AI and cybersecurity.In this course, you’ll follow the story of Julia, a CISO who faced this exact challenge. Her organization was a prime target for cybercriminals due to its vast amount of sensitive data. Despite having a robust security team, they struggled to keep up with the sophisticated attacks. Julia knew there had to be a better way, and that’s when she discovered the transformative power of AI.The journey begins with an exploration of AI’s role in cybersecurity. You’ll learn about the fundamental principles of AI and how these can be applied to detect and mitigate threats in real-time. The course covers the limitations of AI, ensuring you have a balanced view of its capabilities and potential pitfalls.Next, we dive into the technical aspects, starting with text embeddings and vectors. These powerful tools enable AI systems to understand and process language, a crucial aspect in identifying phishing emails, spam, and other text-based threats. You’ll gain hands-on experience in implementing these techniques, turning theoretical knowledge into practical skills.Julia’s story continues as she integrates AI into her security infrastructure. You’ll learn alongside her as she navigates the challenges of setting up and configuring AI tools. This section covers everything from environment setup to data preparation, giving you a comprehensive understanding of the technical requirements and best practices.The real magic happens when we move to advanced AI techniques. You’ll explore how to create featurized representations and 3D models, which allow for more sophisticated analysis and detection of threats. These methods provide a deeper insight into the data, enabling more accurate predictions and faster responses.One of the highlights of the course is the development of interactive dashboards. Just as Julia did, you’ll learn to create visualizations that bring your data to life, making it easier to identify patterns and anomalies. This skill is invaluable in communicating complex information to stakeholders and making informed decisions quickly.Throughout the course, you’ll work on real-world projects that mirror the challenges faced by cybersecurity professionals. These projects are designed to reinforce your learning and build confidence in applying AI to your own security challenges.By the end of the course, like Julia, you’ll be equipped with a powerful toolkit to defend against cyber threats. You’ll have a thorough understanding of how AI can enhance your cybersecurity measures and the practical skills to implement these techniques effectively.So, are you ready to take on the cybercriminals with the power of AI? Join us in this transformative journey and become a leader in the field of AI and cybersecurity.





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