
学会利用人工智能进行个性化的 Python 编程辅助和自主学习 (英文)

发布于2024年 MP4 | 视频: h264, 1920×1080 | 音频: AAC, 44.1 KHz 语言: 英语 | 大小: 586.30 MB | 时长: 1小时7分钟

Python 掌握与个性化AI引导:在Python基础知识中通过ChatGPT进行自主学习


  • 理解基本的 Python 概念:包括语法、变量和基本数据类型。
  • 应用控制流概念:使用条件语句和循环控制 Python 程序的流程,进行逻辑决策和重复任务。
  • 操纵数据结构:使用列表、元组和字典等基本的 Python 数据结构。
  • 开发基本函数:在 Python 中定义和使用函数,理解如何传递参数、返回值,并提高源代码的模块化。
  • 执行简单的 Python 项目:通过小型项目进行实践,巩固概念,增强编写 Python 源代码的实际场景信心。
  • 学会利用人工智能进行个性化的 Python 编程辅助和自主学习,为未来项目增强 Python 能力。


  • 访问计算机
  • 无需编程经验
  • 至少一小时的专注时间

描述 欢迎来到这个全面的 Python 快速课程,在这里你将在短短一小时内掌握精通 Python 基础所需的关键技能!是的,你没有看错!在这个紧凑的时间框架内,你将深入了解 Python 编程的基本概念,得益于尖端的人工智能技术和来自ChatGPT的个性化指导。在整个课程中,你将以自己的节奏学习,遵循专为初学者和有抱负的程序员量身定制的精心设计的课程。


  1. 熟练掌握 Python 的基本概念,如变量、运算符、控制流和循环。
  2. 探索包括列表、元组、字典和集合在内的中级主题,以及用于源代码效率的函数。
  3. 体验由 ChatGPT 提供的个性化 AI 辅助,根据你的学习需求提供即时反馈和指导。
  4. 将 Python 基础知识应用于实际项目,培养实践经验和对编码能力的信心。
  5. 形成对 Python 语法、数据结构和函数的透彻理解,为进一步学习和个人项目打下坚实基础。

除了实现这些学习目标外,你还将了解有效的编程实践和解决问题的技巧,这些技巧对于在 Python 开发领域取得成功至关重要。

加入我,开始这段令人兴奋的 Python 掌握之旅,人工智能驱动的学习将为你通向编程成功的道路带来革新!

概述 第 1 部分:开始学习 Python

  • 讲座 1 利用 AI 在一小时内学习 Python 基础知识
  • 讲座 2 设置和探索 Python IDLE 和 PyCharm
  • 讲座 3 访问 ChatGPT 获得 Python 编程帮助

第 2 部分:Python 基础

  • 讲座 4 用户输入和变量
  • 讲座 5 基本运算符概述
  • 讲座 6 算术和比较运算符
  • 讲座 7 了解赋值运算符
  • 讲座 8 导航逻辑表达式:布尔运算符
  • 讲座 9 控制流结构概述
  • 讲座 10 进行决策:IF-ELIF-ELSE 语句
  • 讲座 11 遍历数据:For 和 While 循环

第 3 部分:中级 Python 编程 – 数据结构与函数

  • 讲座 12 数据结构和函数概述
  • 讲座 13 使用列表:Python 的工作马
  • 讲座 14 利用元组:不可变数据结构
  • 讲座 15 探索字典:键-值对的实际应用
  • 讲座 16 解包集合的力量:唯一集合
  • 讲座 17 创建可重用的源代码:定义函数

第 4 部分:将技能付诸实践

  • 讲座 18 开发 Python 项目:AI 提供个性化的帮助
  • 第 5 部分:结论
  • 讲座 19 总结你的 Python 之旅:主要收获


  • 有兴趣学习如何在 Python 中编程的人
  • 编程学生和爱好者
  • 希望利用 AI 的 Python 开发人员


Learn Python In One Hour – Complete Introduction To BasicsLearn Python In One Hour – Complete Introduction To Basics
Published 5/2024
MP4 | Video: h264, 1920×1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 586.30 MB | Duration: 1h 7m

Python Mastery with Personalized AI Guidance: Empowering Self-Directed Learning in Python Fundamentals with ChatGPT

What you’ll learn
Understand Fundamental Python Concepts: Including syntax, variables, and basic data types.
Apply Control Flow Concepts: Conditional statements and loops to control the flow of a Python program, making logical decisions and repeating tasks
Manipulate Data Structures: Work with essential Python data structures like lists, tuples, and dictionaries
Develop Basic Functions: Define and use functions in Python, understanding how to pass parameters, return values, and enhance code modularity
Execute Simple Python Projects: Hands-on experience through small projects-Reinforce concepts and gain confidence in writing Python code for practical scenarios
Learn to leverage AI for personalized Python programming assistance and self-directed learning, empowering your Python proficiency for future projects

Access to a computer
No programming experience required
At least one hour of devoted time

Welcome to this comprehensive Python crash-course, where you’ll discover the key skills needed to master Python fundamentals in just one hour! Yes, you read that correctly! Within this condensed timeframe, you’ll delve into the essential concepts of Python programming, empowered by cutting-edge AI technology and personalized guidance from ChatGPT.Throughout the course, you’ll learn at your own pace, following a carefully structured curriculum tailored for both beginners and aspiring programmers.Learning Objectives: 1. Gain proficiency in essential Python concepts such as variables, operators, control flow, and loops. 2. Explore intermediate topics including data structures like lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets, as well as functions for code efficiency. 3. Experience personalized AI assistance provided by ChatGPT, tailored to your learning needs, offering instant feedback and guidance. 4. Apply Python fundamentals to real-world projects, fostering practical experience and confidence in coding abilities. 5. Develop a thorough understanding of Python syntax, data structures, and functions, laying a robust foundation for further learning and personal projects.In addition to achieving these learning objectives, you’ll also gain insight into effective programming practices and problem-solving techniques that are essential for success in the field of Python development.Join me on this exhilarating journey towards Python mastery, where AI-powered learning revolutionizes your path to programming success!

Section 1: Getting Started with Python

Lecture 1 Leveraging AI to Learn Python Fundamentals in One Hour

Lecture 2 Setup and Exploration of Python IDLE and PyCharm

Lecture 3 Accessing ChatGPT for Python Programming Assistance

Section 2: Python Fundamentals

Lecture 4 User Inputs and Variables

Lecture 5 Overview of Basic Operators

Lecture 6 Arithmetic and Comparison Operators

Lecture 7 Understanding Assignment Operators

Lecture 8 Navigating Logical Expressions: Boolean Operators

Lecture 9 Overview of Control Flow Structures

Lecture 10 Making Decisions: IF-ELIF-ELSE Statements

Lecture 11 Looping Through Data: For and While Loops

Section 3: Intermediate Python Programming – Data Structures & Functions

Lecture 12 Overview of Data Structures and Functions

Lecture 13 Working with Lists: Python’s Workhorse

Lecture 14 Harnessing Tuples: Immutable Data Structures

Lecture 15 Exploring Dictionaries: Key-Value Pairs in Action

Lecture 16 Unpacking the Power of Sets: Unique Collections

Lecture 17 Crafting Reusable Code: Defining Functions

Section 4: Putting Skills into Practice

Lecture 18 Developing Python Projects: Personalized Assistance with AI

Section 5: Conclusion

Lecture 19 Reflecting on Your Python Journey: Key Takeaways

Anyone interested to learn how to program in Python,Programming students and enthusiasts,Python Developers interested in leveraging AI




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