
视频教程:Blazor 深入探究 – .NET 8 从初级到高级 (英文)

视频教程:深入探讨 Blazor – 从初学者到高级开发者在 .NET 8 中

发布日期:2024 年 5 月

  • 制作人:Frank Liu
  • 格式:MP4
  • 视频分辨率:1280×720
  • 音频:AAC,44.1 KHz,2 通道
  • 类型:在线学习
  • 语言:英语
  • 时长:132 讲(14 小时 36 分钟)
  • 大小:6.57 GB


  • 掌握 Blazor 的基础概念和项目结构
  • 探索互动性的选择
  • 学习 Razor 组件的基础知识
  • 掌握 Razor 语法
  • Blazor 静态服务器端渲染(Blazor SSR)
  • 表单提交和验证
  • 导航
  • 流渲染
  • 加强导航
  • 事件处理
  • 双向数据绑定
  • 虚拟化
  • 组件参数
  • 层叠参数
  • 模板化组件
  • QuickGrid
  • 组件生命周期事件
  • 静态 vs 交互式路由
  • 状态管理的不同方式
  • 使用 WebAssembly
  • 使用 Entity Framework Core 进行服务器端 Blazor 的数据访问
  • 使用 Web API 进行 WebAssembly 的数据访问
  • 使用 ASP.NET Core 进行身份验证和授权
  • Blazor 中的预渲染


  • 基本的 HTML
  • 中级的 C#
  • 对面向对象编程的良好理解,特别是接口的使用(尽管依赖注入在本课程中得到了充分覆盖)
  • 最好有一点 ASP Dot Net Core 的经验,但不用太担心,我也会帮助你的。


踏上 Blazor 的全面学习之旅,探索 ASP.NET Core Blazor 的完整领域,这是一个让你能够使用 .NET 8 构建交互式应用程序的创新性 Web 框架。本课程深入研究了 Blazor 的世界,你将学会如何同时利用服务器端渲染和 WebAssembly 创建动态用户体验。


  • Blazor 简介:从基础开始,了解 Blazor 是什么以及它提供的互动选择。熟悉项目结构并组织我们的课程资源。
  • Blazor 服务器端渲染(SSR):深入了解 Blazor SSR 的细微差别,学习组件、Razor 语法和静态资源。挑战自己创建和操作数据仓库和组件的作业。
  • 互动性:在 Blazor 服务器端和 Blazor WebAssembly 中发现 Blazor 互动的核心,学习如何处理事件、管理状态变量并实现双向数据绑定。探索使用 @key 和虚拟化进行性能优化。
  • 组件架构:深入了解不可路由和可路由组件,理解它们的参数、生命周期以及如何创建可重用和通用的组件。学习 CSS 隔离和层叠参数以有效地样式和管理你的应用。
  • 高级主题:掌握预渲染、路由、导航和状态管理等高级概念。学会在组件之间保持状态,并为动态应用程序实现观察者模式。
  • 数据访问和管理:熟练掌握服务器端和 WebAssembly 应用程序的数据访问模式。学会将 Entity Framework Core 与 Blazor 集成以进行服务器端数据管理,并了解如何与 Web API 交互以进行客户端数据访问。设置 Firebase 实时数据库并在 WebAssembly 中管理 CRUD 操作。
  • 身份验证和授权:通过理解 ASP.NET Core 中的身份验证过程来保护你的应用程序。学会注册、登录和授权用户,并保护你的服务器端 Blazor 应用程序。
  • 实践项目:通过两个课程项目应用你的知识——一个服务器管理项目和一个待办事项清单应用。这些项目将巩固你的理解,并让你在 Blazor 开发中获得实践经验。


  • 深入体验:从基础开始,本课程旨在支持初学者的每一步。然而,我们不止于此。我们深入研究 Blazor,让你在课程结束时对框架有着深入的理解。
  • 精心策划的内容:每个模块都经过精心设计,以建立在前一个模块基础上,确保学习曲线的无缝连接。
  • 动手学习:通过大量的作业和实践项目,你不仅会学到知识,还会在实际场景中应用你的知识。

Blazor Deep Dive – From Beginner to Advanced in .NET 8

Published 5/2024
Created by Frank Liu
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280×720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Duration: 132 Lectures ( 14h 36m ) | Size: 6.57 GB

Ultimate ASP.NET Core Blazor Course in .NET 8 with projects

What you’ll learn:
Basic Blazor concepts and project structures
Choices of Interactivities
Basics of razor components
Razor syntax
Blazor Static Server-side Rendering (Blazor SSR)
Form submission and validations
Stream Rendering
Enhanced Navigation
Event handling
Two way data binding
Component Parameters
Cascading Parameters
Templated components
Component life cycle events
Static vs Interactive Routing
Different ways for State Management
Working with WebAssembly
Data Access for Server side Blazor with Entity Framework Core
Data Access with Web API for WebAssembly
Authentication and Authorization with ASPNET Core
Pre-Rendering in Blazor

Basic HTML
Intermediate C#
Good understanding of OOP, esp. the usage of interface (although Dependency Injection is thoroughly covered in this course)
It is best if you have a little bit experience with ASP Dot Net Core. But don’t worry too much, I will help you with that too.

Embark on a Comprehensive Journey with Blazor in .NET 8Welcome to a transformative learning experience designed for developers eager to explore the full spectrum of ASP.NET Core Blazor, the innovative web framework that empowers you to build interactive applications using .NET 8. This course is a deep dive into the world of Blazor, where you’ll learn to harness the power of both server-side rendering and WebAssembly to create dynamic user experiences.Course Overview:Introduction to Blazor: Begin with the basics, understanding what Blazor is and the choices it offers for interactivity. Familiarize yourself with the project structure and get organized with our course resources.Blazor Server-Side Rendering (SSR): Delve into the nuances of Blazor SSR, learning about components, Razor syntax, and static resources. Tackle assignments that challenge you to create and manipulate data repositories and components.Interactivity: Discover the core of Blazor’s interactivity in both Blazor Server and Blazor WebAssembly, learning how to handle events, manage state variables, and implement two-way data binding. Explore the use of @key and virtualization for performance optimization.Component Architecture: Take a deep dive into non-routable and routable components, understanding their parameters, lifecycle, and how to create reusable and generic components. Learn about CSS isolation and cascading parameters to style and manage your app effectively.Advanced Topics: Master advanced concepts like pre-rendering, routing, navigation, and state management. Learn how to maintain states across components and implement the observer pattern for dynamic applications.Data Access and Management: Gain proficiency in data access patterns for both server-side and WebAssembly applications. Learn to integrate Entity Framework Core with Blazor for server-side data management, and understand how to interact with Web APIs for client-side data access. Set up a Firebase Realtime Database and manage CRUD operations in WebAssembly.Authentication and Authorization: Secure your applications by understanding the authentication process in ASP.NET Core. Learn to register, log in, and authorize users, and secure your server-side Blazor app.Practical Projects: Apply your knowledge with two course projects—a Server Management project and a To-Do List App. These projects will solidify your understanding and give you practical experience in Blazor development.Why Choose This Course?Deep-Dive Experience: Starting with the fundamentals, this course is designed to support beginners every step of the way. Yet, it doesn’t stop there. We delve deep into Blazor, equipping you with an intimate understanding of the framework by the course’s conclusion.Expertly Curated Content: Each module is carefully crafted to build upon the previous one, ensuring a seamless learning curve.Hands-On Learning: With numerous assignments and practical projects, you’ll not just learn but apply your knowledge in real-world scenarios.By the end of this course, you’ll have a robust portfolio of projects, a deep understanding of Blazor, and the skills to confidently build modern web applications. Join us on this journey to become a Blazor expert in .NET 8!Who is this course for?This course is for anyone who wants to learn how to develop web applications with ASP.NET Core Blazor using .NET 8. You should have some basic knowledge of C# and HTML, but no prior experience with ASP.NET Core Blazor is required.If you already have experience working with Blazor previously but feeling overwhelmed by the changes introduced in .NET 8, this course is also perfect for helping you catching up.So, what are you waiting for? Enroll now and start your journey to become an ASP.NET Core Blazor developer!




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