
掌握前端开发:从HTML到项目部署视频教程 (英文)


这门课程由 Vetrivel Ravi 创建,于2024年发布。

MP4 | 视频:h264,1280×720 | 音频:AAC,44.1 千赫,2 通道 类型:在线学习 | 语言:英语 | 时长:22 讲座(4 小时 22 分钟)| 大小:1.8 GB

掌握前端开发:从HTML到项目部署 – 使用JavaScript和Tailwind构建动态网站


  • HTML基础:使用HTML结构化网页内容的基础知识,包括标签、元素和属性。
  • CSS样式技术:CSS基础知识,用于为网页添加样式,包括选择器、属性和值,以自定义HTML元素的外观。
  • JavaScript简介:JavaScript编程的基本概念,如变量、数据类型、操作符、控制结构、函数和对象。
  • Flexbox和Grid系统:使用Flexbox和Grid系统进行高级布局技术,创建响应式和灵活的网页布局。
  • 响应式布局构建:设计和开发响应式网站的策略,以无缝适应不同的屏幕尺寸和设备。
  • 在两个真实的UI项目上的实际操作经验
  • JavaScript DOM操作:使用JavaScript操作文档对象模型(DOM),以动态更新和交互网页元素。
  • 对Tailwind CSS框架的概述以及如何使用其实用主义方法来简化样式和设计工作流程。
  • 使用AJAX创建动态Web应用
  • 将Web项目部署到服务器以实现全球访问


  • 熟练使用计算机,浏览互联网,并处理文件和文件夹。
  • 可靠的互联网连接,以访问课程材料、视频和在线资源。
  • 安装现代的网络浏览器,如Google Chrome、Mozilla Firefox或Safari,用于练习编码练习和查看网页内容。
  • 熟悉文本编辑器或源代码编辑器,如Visual Studio Code、Sublime Text或Atom,用于编写和编辑HTML、CSS和JavaScript源代码。
  • 强烈的学习愿望和承诺完成练习、项目和课程作业,以掌握前端开发技能。




  • 扎实的基础:从基础开始,掌握用于网页内容结构化的HTML,用于样式化的CSS,以及用于交互性的JavaScript。
  • 高级布局技术:探索Flexbox和Grid系统的强大功能,助你轻松创建流畅且响应式的设计。
  • UI项目构建:通过参与两个真实的UI项目获得实际操作经验,将新学到的技能应用于解决实际设计挑战。
  • JavaScript DOM操作:深入学习JavaScript DOM操作,了解如何动态更新和交互网页元素,提升用户体验。
  • Tailwind CSS框架:解锁Tailwind CSS的潜力,一个实用主义的CSS框架,以简化你的样式工作流程,并确保项目之间的设计一致性。
  • AJAX用于动态Web应用:学习如何使用AJAX创建动态Web应用,实现客户端和服务器之间的无缝数据交换,无需页面重新加载。
  • 响应式设计原则:掌握响应式设计的艺术,确保你的网站在各种设备和屏幕尺寸上表现出色且功能完善。
  • 项目部署:通过掌握项目部署技巧,包括将你的网站托管到服务器上,以实现全球访问。


  • 初学者:没有或很少有前端开发经验的人,希望启动他们的学习之旅。
  • 中级开发人员:一些HTML、CSS和JavaScript知识,想要深入学习并探索高级概念的人。
  • 网页设计师:有兴趣扩展他们的技能,包括前端开发和创建功能性、视觉上吸引人的网站的设计师。
  • 寻求职业增长的任何人:希望进入或提升在前端开发领域的人,前端开发人员的需求不断增长。

Mastering Frontend Development: HTML to Project Deployment

Published 5/2024
Created by Vetrivel Ravi
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280×720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Duration: 22 Lectures ( 4h 22m ) | Size: 1.8 GB

Mastering Frontend Development: From HTML to Project Deployment – Building Dynamic Websites with JavaScript and Tailwind

What you’ll learn:
HTML Fundamentals: How to structure web content using HTML, including tags, elements, and attributes.
CSS Styling Techniques: The basics of CSS for styling web pages, including selectors, properties, and values, to customize the appearance of HTML elements.
Introduction to JavaScript: Essential concepts of JavaScript programming, such as variables, data types, operators, control structures, functions, and objects.
Flexbox and Grid Systems: Advanced layout techniques using Flexbox and Grid systems to create responsive and flexible web page layouts.
Building Responsive Layouts: Strategies for designing and developing responsive websites that adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes and devices.
Hands-on experience working on two real-world UI projects
JavaScript DOM Manipulation: How to manipulate the Document Object Model (DOM) using JavaScript to dynamically update and interact with web page elements.
An overview of the Tailwind CSS framework and how to use its utility-first approach to streamline styling and design workflow.
Using AJAX for Dynamic Web Applications
he process of deploying web projects to servers for global accessibility

Proficiency in using a computer, navigating the internet, and working with files and folders.
Reliable internet connection to access course materials, videos, and online resources.
Installation of a modern web browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari for practicing coding exercises and viewing web content.
Familiarity with a text editor or code editor such as Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, or Atom for writing and editing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code.
A strong desire to learn and a commitment to completing exercises, projects, and coursework to gain proficiency in frontend development.

Embark on a journey to become a proficient frontend developer with our comprehensive course, designed to take you from foundational HTML, CSS, and JavaScript principles to advanced frontend development techniques. Throughout this immersive learning experience, you’ll not only grasp the basics but also dive deep into crucial concepts like Flexbox and Grid systems for responsive layout design.What the Course Offers:Solid Foundations: Begin with the basics, mastering HTML for structuring web content, CSS for styling, and JavaScript for interactivity.Advanced Layout Techniques: Explore the power of Flexbox and Grid systems, empowering you to create fluid and responsive designs effortlessly.UI Build Projects: Gain hands-on experience by working on two real-world UI projects, applying your newfound skills to solve practical design challenges.JavaScript DOM Manipulations: Dive into JavaScript DOM manipulations, learning how to dynamically update and interact with web page elements for enhanced user experiences.Tailwind CSS Framework: Unlock the potential of Tailwind CSS, a utility-first CSS framework, to streamline your styling workflow and ensure design consistency across projects.AJAX for Dynamic Web Applications: Learn how to use AJAX to create dynamic web applications, enabling seamless data exchange between the client and server without page reloads.Responsive Design Principles: Master the art of responsive design, ensuring your websites look great and function flawlessly across various devices and screen sizes.Project Deployment: Wrap up your learning journey by mastering project deployment techniques, including hosting your websites on servers for global accessibility.Who This Course Is Suitable For:Beginners: Individuals with little to no prior experience in frontend development looking to kickstart their journey.Intermediate Developers: Those with some knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript who want to deepen their skills and explore advanced concepts.Web Designers: Designers interested in expanding their skill set to include frontend development and creating functional, visually appealing websites.Anyone Seeking Career Growth: Professionals aiming to enter or advance in the lucrative field of frontend development, where demand for skilled developers is ever-growing.Curriculum Highlights:HTML FundamentalsCSS Styling TechniquesIntroduction to JavaScriptFlexbox and Grid SystemsBuilding Responsive LayoutsTwo UI Project ImplementationsJavaScript DOM ManipulationIntroduction to Tailwind CSSUsing AJAX for Dynamic Web ApplicationsDeployment Strategies for Projects




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