
在Blender 3.3中创建低多边形模型视频教程 (英文)

在Blender 3.3中低多边形建模斯巴达头盔


  • 学习使用Blender制作详细的斯巴达头盔的低多边形建模技术。
  • 塑造头盔的基本结构并细化其形态。
  • 深入研究复杂的细节并提升你的技能。
  • 从专家教练Tami Coker获得宝贵的见解和工作流程技巧。
  • 无论是初学者还是有经验的人,都能掌握使用Blender进行3D建模的艺术,并创造出专业质量的结果。


  • 在Blender中有初级经验。
  • 安装Blender 3.5软件(免费)。
  • 最低要求:Windows 8.1(64位)、macOS 11.2(Big Sur)或带有glibc 2.28或更新版本的Linux(64位)。


“在Blender中使用低多边形技术建模斯巴达头盔”邀请您踏上一个沉浸式的旅程,进入3D建模的领域,由专家教练Tami Coker带领。这个全面的课程精心设计,旨在为您提供使用Blender创建令人惊叹的3D模型所需的基本技能,Blender是一款功能强大、多功能的软件。在Tami的专业指导下,您将深入探讨低多边形建模技术的复杂性,从头开始制作详细的斯巴达头盔。课程大纲经过深思熟虑,引导您逐步完成建模过程的每一个步骤,确保学习体验的流畅性。您的旅程从“斯巴达头盔建模1”开始,您将通过塑造头盔的基本结构奠定基础。在Tami的深入指导下,您将学习如何导航Blender的界面,并利用基本工具将您的愿景变为现实。在“斯巴达头盔建模2(上)和(下)”中,您将提升自己的技能水平,深入研究细化头盔的形态和添加复杂细节。Tami将提供宝贵的指导,介绍增强真实性和达到专业质量结果的技术。随着您在“斯巴达头盔更高细节”中的进展,您将通过添加高级元素和微调头盔的整体外观进一步提升您的技能。在整个课程中,Tami将分享专家见解和实用技巧,帮助简化您的工作流程,并最大程度地发挥您的创造潜力。无论您是一个渴望探索3D建模世界的初学者,还是一个有经验的艺术家,想要扩展自己的技能,这门课程都为低多边形建模技术提供了全面的基础。加入我们,解锁使用Blender将您的斯巴达头盔带到生活中的秘密!注:要开始这门课程,您需要在您的计算机上安装Blender软件,并对创造力充满激情,愿意学习。

Spartan Helmet Low Poly Modeling In Blender 3.3

Published 4/2024
MP4 | Video: h264, 1920×1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 803.33 MB | Duration: 0h 50m

Forging the Spartan Helmet: Mastering Low Poly Techniques in Blender

What you’ll learn
Learn low-polygon modeling techniques to craft a detailed Spartan helmet in Blender.
Shape the basic structure of the helmet and refine its form
Dive deeper into intricate details and elevate your skills
Gain invaluable insights and workflow tips from expert instructor Tami Coker.
Whether beginner or experienced, master the art of 3D modeling with Blender and create professional-quality results.

Beginner experience with Blender
Installation of Blender 3.5 software (free)
MINIMUM: Windows 8.1 (64-bit), macOS 11.2 (Big Sur) or Linux with glibc 2.28 or newer (64-bit)

“Modeling a Spartan Helmet with Low Poly Techniques in Blender” invites you to embark on an immersive journey into the realm of 3D modeling, led by expert instructor Tami Coker. This comprehensive course is meticulously crafted to equip you with the essential skills needed to create stunning 3D models using Blender, a powerful and versatile software.Under Tami’s expert guidance, you’ll delve deep into the intricacies of low-polygon modeling techniques as you craft a detailed Spartan helmet from scratch. The course curriculum is thoughtfully structured to guide you through each step of the modeling process, ensuring a seamless learning experience.Your journey begins with “Spartan Helmet Modelling 1,” where you’ll lay the groundwork by shaping the basic structure of the helmet. With Tami’s insightful instruction, you’ll learn how to navigate Blender’s interface and utilize essential tools to bring your vision to life.In “Spartan Helmet Modelling 2 (Pt 1) and (Pt 2),” you’ll take your skills to the next level as you dive deeper into refining the helmet’s form and adding intricate details. Tami will provide invaluable guidance on techniques for enhancing authenticity and achieving professional-quality results.As you progress through “Spartan Helmet Higher Details,” you’ll further elevate your skills by incorporating advanced elements and fine-tuning the overall appearance of the helmet. Throughout the course, Tami will share expert insights and practical tips to help streamline your workflow and maximize your creative potential.Whether you’re a beginner eager to explore the world of 3D modeling or an experienced artist looking to expand your skill set, this course offers a comprehensive foundation in low-polygon modeling techniques. Join us on this creative journey and unlock the secrets to bringing your Spartan helmet to life with Blender! Note: To embark on this course, you’ll need access to Blender software installed on your computer, along with a passion for creativity and a willingness to learn.

Section 1: Main Curriculum

Lecture 1 11-01 Spartan Helmet Modelling 1 Tami Coker

Lecture 2 11-02 Spart Helmet Modelling 2 (Pt 1) Tami Coker

Lecture 3 11-02 Spartan Helmet Modelling 2 (Pt 2) Tami Coker

Lecture 4 11-03 Spartan Helmet Higher Details Tami Coker

Lecture 5 Bonus Lecture

Absolute Beginners





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