
精通 Asp.Net Mvc:一个完整的项目实战指南教程 (英文)

精通 Asp.Net Mvc:一个完整的项目实战指南

发布于 2024年4月 MP4 | 视频: h264, 1920×1080 | 音频: AAC, 44.1 KHz 语言: 英语 | 大小: 1.14 GB | 时长: 2小时40分钟

构建现代网页应用程序:通过 ASP.NET MVC 的实用旅程


  • 理解 ASPNET MVC 架构:掌握用于可扩展网页开发的 MVC 模式。
  • 管理 ASPNET Core 中的数据:有效处理复杂数据类型。
  • 配置 ASPNET Core 项目:在 Visual Studio 中高效设置项目。
  • 设计响应式用户界面:集成和自定义 Bootstrap 以实现响应式设计。
  • 实施安全措施:通过身份验证和授权保护应用程序。
  • 精通数据库操作:使用实体框架核心进行数据库管理。
  • 应用高级路由:通过自定义路由增强导航。




精通 ASP.NET MVC:构建稳健的网页应用程序

通过掌握 ASP.NET MVC 框架,提升你的网页开发技能,这一框架能快速构建可扩展和安全的网页应用程序。本精心结构化的课程专为初学者和有经验的开发者设计,通过构建真实世界的应用程序,深入探讨 ASP.NET MVC 生态系统。


踏上 ASP.NET MVC 高级技术之旅,在这里你将:

  • 探索 MVC 架构:深入理解模型-视图-控制器(MVC)范式,解析其组件,以利用关注点分离、提高应用程序的可维护性和促进可扩展的网页应用程序开发。
  • 掌握属性类型:在 MVC 框架内实现和操作复杂数据类型,提高数据处理和应用逻辑。
  • Visual Studio 中的项目初始化:掌握在 Visual Studio 中设置项目的复杂性,配置环境并理解 ASP.NET MVC 应用程序的脚手架项目结构。
  • Bootstrap 集成和定制:更新和集成 Bootstrap 以实现响应式设计,同时制作自定义 CSS 样式表,以规定用户界面独特的美学和功能元素。
  • 数据库工程:使用实体框架设计和管理数据库,理解迁移、数据库优先和源代码优先方法的原则,以实现稳健的数据管理。
  • 身份验证和授权:实施安全的身份验证和授权机制保护你的应用程序,使用 ASP.NET Identity 管理用户角色、安全策略和访问控制。
  • 综合 MVC 组件操作:深入探讨模型、视图和控制器的角色和交互,精确管理数据流、UI 渲染和业务逻辑。
  • 高级路由技术:配置和自定义路由规则,优化 URL 结构和应用程序导航,提高用户体验和搜索引擎可见性。
  • 真实世界应用程序开发:通过开发一个复杂的 ASP.NET MVC 应用程序,综合你的知识,解决现实世界的需求和挑战,交付一个功能齐全的网页解决方案。


  • 技术深度:课程设计深度和技术严谨,指导你通过 ASP.NET MVC 开发的高级概念和最佳实践。
  • 实用的动手经验:通过实用练习和项目学习,将理论知识应用于现实场景,确保你获得就业准备技能。
  • 渐进学习路径:课程为渐进学习曲线量身定制,我们在深入复杂主题之前覆盖基础概念,使课程适合所有级别的专业知识。

Master Asp.Net Mvc: A Complete Hands-On Project-Based Guide

Published 4/2024
MP4 | Video: h264, 1920×1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 1.14 GB | Duration: 2h 40m

Building Modern Web Applications: A Practical Journey through ASP.NET MVC

What you’ll learn
Understand ASPNET MVC Architecture: Grasp MVC patterns for scalable web development.
Manage Data in ASPNET Core: Handle complex data types effectively.
Configure ASPNET Core Projects: Set up projects in Visual Studio efficiently.
Design Responsive UIs: Integrate and customize Bootstrap for responsive designs.
Implement Security Measures: Secure applications with authentication and authorization.
Master Database Operations: Use Entity Framework Core for database management.
Apply Advanced Routing: Enhance navigation with customized routing.

No programming experience is needed. You’ll learn everything you need to know.

Master ASP.NET MVC: Engineering Robust Web ApplicationsElevate your web development skills by mastering ASP.NET MVC, the framework that enables the rapid construction of scalable and secure web applications. This meticulously structured course is engineered for both novices and seasoned developers, offering a deep dive into the ASP.NET MVC ecosystem through the lens of building real-world applications.Core Learning Objectives:Embark on a technical journey through the advanced facets of ASP.NET MVC, where you will:Explore MVC Architecture: Gain an in-depth understanding of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) paradigm, dissecting its components to leverage separation of concerns, enhance app maintainability, and facilitate scalable web application development.Delve into Property Types: Master the implementation and manipulation of complex data types within the MVC framework, enhancing data handling and application logic.Project Initialization in Visual Studio: Navigate the intricacies of project setup within Visual Studio, configuring environments and understanding the scaffolded project structure for ASP.NET MVC applications.Bootstrap Integration and Customization: Update and integrate Bootstrap for responsive design while crafting custom CSS stylesheets to dictate unique aesthetic and functional elements of the user interface.Database Engineering: Architect and manage databases using Entity Framework, understanding the principles of migrations, database-first and code-first approaches for robust data management.Authentication and Authorization: Implement secure authentication and authorization mechanisms to protect your applications, using ASP.NET Identity for managing user roles, security policies, and access control.Comprehensive MVC Component Manipulation: Dive deep into the roles and interactions of models, views, and controllers, managing data flow, UI rendering, and business logic with precision.Advanced Routing Techniques: Configure and customize routing rules to optimize URL structures and navigation within your application, enhancing user experience and search engine visibility.Real-World Application Development: Synthesize your knowledge by developing a sophisticated ASP.NET MVC application, addressing real-world requirements and challenges to deliver a fully functional web solution.Why This Course?Technical Depth: Designed for depth and technical rigor, this course guides you through advanced concepts and best practices in ASP.NET MVC development.Practical, Hands-On Experience: Engage in practical exercises and project-based learning to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios, ensuring you acquire job-ready skills.Progressive Learning Path: Tailored for a progressive learning curve, we cover foundational concepts before advancing to complex topics, making the course suitable for all levels of expertise.

Section 1: Introduction

Lecture 1 Creating the Project in Visual Studio

Lecture 2 MVC Architecture Lecture

Lecture 3 The Property Types Lecture

Section 2: Project Setup

Lecture 4 Updating Bootstrap to the latest version

Lecture 5 Creating the project database

Lecture 6 Loading the project for the first time

Section 3: Styling and Layout

Lecture 7 Creating custom CSS files

Lecture 8 Redo the Layout file

Lecture 9 Creating the navigation bar

Section 4: Authentication

Lecture 10 Working on Authentication

Section 5: Model and Controller Setup

Lecture 11 Creating the model for Survey Forms

Lecture 12 Generating the controller and views

Lecture 13 Creating a View Model

Section 6: Views and CRUD Operations

Lecture 14 The Create View

Lecture 15 The Edit Details and Delete Views

Lecture 16 Capturing special records using the controller

Lecture 17 Working on the Index Action and View

Section 7: Advanced Topics

Lecture 18 Routing

Lecture 19 The Sidebar

Lecture 20 Building the Professions Class

Lecture 21 Integrating the Professions Model with the Accounts Model

Developers aspiring to specialize in ASPNET MVC for building enterprise-level web applications.,Professionals seeking to refine their expertise in web development with a focus on MVC architecture.,Individuals aiming to understand the intricacies of developing secure, scalable, and maintainable web applications.




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