
学习并掌握Rocky Linux服务器管理的基础和高级技巧 (英文)

Rocky Linux Server: An Alternative to Red Hat

创建者:Cesar Alonso Morera Alpizar
格式:MP4 | 视频:h264, 1280×720 | 音频:AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2声道
语言:英语 | 时长:22讲 (3小时50分钟) | 大小:2.91 GB


学习并掌握Rocky Linux服务器管理的基础和高级技巧。这门课程是为那些希望用Rocky Linux替代Red Hat的人准备的,无论你是初学者还是有经验的IT专业人士,都能从中受益。



  • 理解Linux服务器管理的基本概念,包括安装、配置和管理服务器的技能。


  • 发展强大的Linux命令行使用技能,能够高效地导航系统,管理文件和目录,处理系统输出等。


  • 学习如何配置和管理网络服务,如用于文件共享的Samba、用于远程连接的SSH等。


  • 学习高级服务器管理技术,如配置RAID以实现数据冗余和性能优化。



  • 学生应具备使用计算机的一般理解,包括基本文件管理和常见软件应用程序的使用。


  • 虽然不是必须,但了解操作系统(如Windows或macOS)将有助于更容易掌握Linux概念。


  • 学生需要能够访问一台能够连接互联网的计算机,以下载Rocky Linux并按照课程练习操作。


  • 如果学生希望在虚拟环境中练习安装Rocky Linux,可以在计算机上安装VirtualBox等虚拟化软件。不过,这只是可选的,学生也可以在物理硬件上安装Rocky Linux。


  • 最重要的是,学生应该对学习和探索Linux服务器管理的新概念有强烈的兴趣和积极的态度。没有Linux的先验知识也是可以的,但积极的学习态度对于课程的成功至关重要。



  1. 介绍
  2. 什么是计算机服务器?
  3. 什么是Linux?
  4. Rocky Linux:Red Hat的替代品
  5. 下载Rocky Linux 9
  6. 安装VirtualBox
  7. 安装Rocky Linux 9服务器


  1. 系统导航(ls,cd)
  2. 处理目录和文件(mkdir,rmdir,nano,rm)
  3. 基本输出(cat,TAB,&&,””, \)
  4. 安全基础(sudo)
  5. 管理输出(|,grep,less)
  6. 复制和移动文件(cp,mv,rsync)
  7. 关闭系统(reboot,shutdown)
  8. 额外内容:运行级别(telinit)
  9. ‘sudoers’文件
  10. 更多学习:帮助!


  1. 更改系统日期和时间
  2. 用户管理,第一部分(useradd,groupadd,passwd)
  3. 用户管理,第二部分(userdel,groupdel,usermod)
  4. 软件包管理和理解依赖关系(dnf)
  5. 基本网络,第一部分
  6. 基本网络,第二部分
  7. 无线网络
  8. 权限,第一部分
  9. 权限,第二部分
  10. 额外内容:使用ACLs管理权限


  1. 文件系统管理,第一部分
  2. 文件系统管理,第二部分


  1. RAID简介
  2. 形成RAID阵列
  3. 更换RAID阵列中的故障磁盘
  4. 销毁阵列
  5. Samba:初步配置
  6. Samba:使用共享
  1. 使用SSH远程连接到服务器
  2. 设置和使用Apache Web服务器
  3. 使用cron作业自动化任务

Rocky Linux Server: An Alternative to Red Hat

Published 5/2024
Created by Cesar Alonso Morera Alpizar
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280×720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Duration: 22 Lectures ( 3h 50m ) | Size: 2.91 GB

An Alternative to Red Hat

What you’ll learn:
Mastering Linux Server Administration: Students will be able to comprehend the fundamental concepts of Linux server administration, including installation, conf
Advanced Command Line Skills: Students will develop strong skills in using the Linux command line, enabling them to efficiently navigate the system, manage file
Configuration and Management of Network Services: Students will learn to configure and manage network services such as Samba for file sharing, SSH for remote se
Implementation of Advanced Administration Techniques: Students will gain knowledge of advanced server administration techniques, such as configuring RAID for da

Basic Computer Skills: Students should have a general understanding of how to use a computer, including basic file management and familiarity with common software applications.
Understanding of Operating Systems: While not mandatory, a basic understanding of operating systems, such as Windows or macOS, would be beneficial for grasping Linux concepts more easily.
Access to a Computer: Students will need access to a computer with internet connectivity to download Rocky Linux and follow along with the course exercises.
Virtualization Software (Optional): For students who want to practice installing Rocky Linux in a virtual environment, having virtualization software like VirtualBox installed on their computer would be helpful. However, this is optional, as students can also install Rocky Linux on physical hardware if available.
Curiosity and Eagerness to Learn: Most importantly, students should come to the course with a willingness to learn and explore new concepts in Linux server administration. No prior experience with Linux is required, but a positive attitude towards learning is essential for success in the course.

Rocky Linux Server: An Alternative to Red HatIntroduction:1. Introduction2. What is a computer server?3. What is Linux?4. Rocky Linux: An Alternative to Red Hat5. Downloading Rocky Linux 96. Virtualbox install7. Installing Rocky Linux 9 ServerCommand Line Fundamentals:8. Navigating the system (ls, cd)9. Working with directories and files (mkdir, rmdir, nano, rm)10. Basic output (cat, TAB, &&, “”, \)11. Security basics (sudo)12. Managing output (|, grep, less)13. Copying and moving files (cp, mv, rsync)14. Shutting down the system (reboot, shutdown)15. Additional content: Runlevels (telinit)16. The ‘sudoers’ file17. More learning: HELP!User Management and Permissions:18. Changing the system date and time19. User management, part 1 (useradd, groupadd, passwd)20. User management, part 2 (userdel, groupdel, usermod)21. Package management and understanding dependencies (dnf)22. Basic Networking, Part 123. Basic Networking, Part 224. Wireless Networking25. Permissions, Part 126. Permissions, Part 227. Additional content: Managing Permissions with ACLsFilesystem and Storage Management:28. Filesystem Management, Part 129. Filesystem Management, Part 2Advanced Administration:30. An Introduction to RAID31. Forming a RAID array32. Replacing a failed disk in a RAID array33. Destroying an array34. Samba: Preliminary configuration34. Samba: Working with shares35. Using SSH to remote connect to the server36. Setting up and using the Apache Web Server37. Automating tasks with cron jobsAdditional Tools:38. Browsing the web with ‘links’39. GUI management with Cockpit40. Process management (ps, top, fg, kill)41. Using WinSCP for FTP access42. Compression (.tar, .zip, .tar.gz, .tar. bz2 files)43. Monitoring and Performance Tuning44. Backup and Disaster Recovery45. Troubleshooting and DebuggingThis comprehensive program covers various aspects of Rocky Linux Server administration, providing both fundamental and advanced knowledge.




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