视频教程:Jamplay Aaron Marshall 大师课程
优雅的主题、感染力十足的旋律、引人入胜的吉他节奏、响亮的歌曲结构。Aaron Marshall,作为器乐乐队 Intervals 的主唱和创始人,是新一代旋律作曲家的顶尖年轻艺术家之一,他的作品充满深思熟虑的前卫作曲风格,注入了复杂的旋律和精湛的技巧。
从和弦进行和旋律,到节奏装置和吉他节奏,Aaron 将向我们展示现代吉他音乐如何围绕引人深思的歌曲创作展开,创作出能够历久弥新的作品。学习如何策划出引人入胜的器乐吉他作品,重点强调有效的主题和动机。
本课程是 JamPlay 独家课程,无法在其他任何地方购买。通过 JamPlay 会员或单独购买课程即可立即访问。本课程提供31个课程,涵盖5小时以上的内容,以循序渐进的方式呈现,易于理解和学习。
Jamplay Aaron Marshall Master Course TUTORiAL
Elegant motifs, infectious melodies, compelling riffs, resounding song structure. Front man and founder of instrumental band Intervals, Aaron Marshall is one of the top young artists of the new breed of melodic composers.. offering thoughtful, progressive compositions injected with intricate melody and masterful precision.
From chord progressions and melodies, to rhythmic devices and riffs, Aaron will show us that modern guitar music revolves around thought-provoking song writing, written to stand strong for years to come. Learn how to curate elements of a compelling instrumental guitar piece, with an emphasis on effective themes and motifs.
This course is a JamPlay exclusive and cannot be purchased anywhere else. Get instant access with JamPlay Membership or with individual course purchase. This course offers 31 lessons covering 5+ hours of material in step-by-step, digestable presentation.