AOMEI Fone Tool 是 Windows 上一款功能强大的 iPhone 备份和传输软件,让您轻松保护和管理 iOS 设备数据。FoneTool 支持完整的 iPhone 备份和选择性项目备份,包括照片、视频、联系人、消息、Apple音乐等,备份速度超快。此 iOS 数据传输工具允许您将数据从 iPhone 传输到计算机以释放存储空间,您也可以将 iPhone 直接传输到 iPhone 以切换到新设备。它也是一个 iPhone 工具包,可嵌入照片重复数据删除以删除相似照片,iPhone 橡皮擦可永久擦除信息,以及 HEIC 转换器可轻松在 Windows 10/11 上打开文件。
- 便于使用,这款 iPhone 备份软件带有用户友好的界面。任何人都可以轻松保护和管理 iPhone 数据。
- 快速传输/备份,FoneTool 提供比其他工具更快的传输/备份 iPhone 数据的速度。例如,备份 1000 条消息可以在 1 分 35 秒内完成。
- 全方位数据保护,完全或选择性地将您的 iPhone 备份到计算机。它还支持增量备份,即只备份更改或添加的数据,以节省时间和存储空间。
- 无需 Apple ID 与 iCloud 和 iTunes 不同,您无需使用 Apple 帐户登录。因此,您可以使用不同的 Apple ID 将数据传输到另一台 iDevice。
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FoneTool – Backup & Transfer Your iPhone data for Free .Quickly backup iPhone/iPad/iPod photos, videos, music, contacts, etc. Easily transfer data to another iOS device or computer. Manage iDevice storage and data flexibly.
Protect iPhone data and transfer iPhone to iPhone
Worry about data loss? Backup is your insurance. Switch to new iPhone? Transfer data by one click.
Make iPhone backup to keep data safe
FoneTool is a free iPhone backup software. You can make full or partial iPhone backup or other iOS backup to save important data to safe places.
Backup photos and videos to save memories of your life
Backup contacts to keep the connection of all important person
Backup messages to retain crucial information
Backup music to enjoy them anytime and anywhere
Transfer data to PC or new iPhone
FoneTool makes it easy to do iPhone transfer and release iPhone storage. It requires only simple clicks to transfer iPhone to iPhone or iPhone to PC.
Quickly transfer files and apps that you want
Free release your iPhone storage
Transfer everything at the superfast speed
Safely transfer all the iPhone data by one click
Useful utilities to manage iOS data
FoneTool integrates various tools helping you flexibly manage your iPhone/iPad/iPod data.
Delete duplicate and similar photos on an iPhone or a computer.
Free convert HEIC photos to JPG/JPEG/PNG without reducing the quality.
Permanently erase all iPhone data to protect personal data.