“ NCSS 软件提供了一个完整、易于使用的数百种统计和图形工具集合,用于分析和可视化您的数据。NCSS 准确、全面、直观且有据可查。 ”
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PASS software provides sample size tools for over 1100 statistical test and confidence interval scenarios – more than double the capability of any other sample size software. Each tool has been carefully validated with published articles and/or texts.
Get to know PASS by downloading a free trial, viewing the video to the right, or exploring this website.
PASS comes complete with integrated documentation and PhD statistician support.
PASS has been fine-tuned for over 25 years, and is now the leading sample size software choice for clinical trial, pharmaceutical, and other medical research. It has also become a mainstay in all other fields where sample size calculation or evaluation is needed.
Obtaining A Sample Size In PASS
In PASS, you can estimate the sample size for a statistical test or confidence interval in a few short steps. If you need guidance during any of the steps, PASS has excellent documentation, there are free training videos, and you can contact our team of PhD statisticians.
Choosing A Procedure
Finding the sample size procedure is easy using the drop-down menu, the procedure search, or the category tree. Watch a short video to learn how to select your desired procedure in PASS.
Enter The Values
The sample size procedure tools are easy to use and have built-in help messages for every option.
Enlarge the infographic to see the descriptions of the ways that PASS helps you to enter the proper values in a sample size procedure tool. You can also watch this video to see an example of using a procedure window in PASS.
Ready to Use Output
When a PASS procedure is run, the sample size results and corresponding plots are displayed in the output window. The sample size or power curves can be clicked to be shown in a separate window for viewing or saving.
Navigation of the output is easy with the output navigation tree. The format of the output makes it easy to be viewed, copied and pasted, or saved. Multiple output runs can be sent to the output gallery for saving or for comparing sample size analyses.
PASS 2023新功能
PASS 2023增加了43个新的样本量程序,并包括各种增强功能。
• 多臂治疗VS多臂治疗vs对照试验,比例、平均值、生存曲线、疫苗疗效和聚类随机设(38个新程序)
• 2×2交叉设计中AUC和Cmax的生物等效性试验(对数正态数据)(1个新程序)
• 使用Win-Ratio复合终点对两组进行测试(2个新程序)
• 多例平衡单例(AB)^K设计中治疗和控制手段差异的试验(1个新程序)
• Deming回归(1个新程序)
• 在4个双相关比例程序中添加了ρ(受试者内相关性)干扰参数输入选项
• 配对变量SD(σ1和σ2)和相关性(ρ)和/或受试者群体SD(σᴡ)输入选项添加到18个配对平均值和7个2×2交叉设计程序中
• 在63个程序中更新了输入和/或输出演示
• 在350多个程序中改进了汇总报表
• 数百个章节的文档改进
NCSS 2023新功能
有了新的数据和分析工具,NCSS 2023比以往任何时候都更强大、更易于使用!2023版更新功能如下。
• 曲线拟合-CDF
• 重新开发线性回归和相关性,以提高输入和输出的可用性
• 两比例、两均值和标准化均值差异的Meta分析
• 漏斗图添加到新的Meta分析程序中
• 在16个回归和4个方差分析程序中更新了输入和/或输出呈现
• 所有文档均已更新,以提高可读性和一致性