《Chaos Intellect》是一个很实用的邮件管理工具,只要打开这个软件就可以批量查看不同的邮箱邮件,软件的功能齐全,很适合需要长期用邮件办公的用户使用,有需要的快来下载吧!

Chaos Intellect是一款连络人与时间的管理工具,并且可以和电子邮件全面兼容,和连络本、约会行程表、工作管理、备忘录等互相交流。它可独立工作,也可以和网络上的设定群组共享。
Chaos Software Chaos Intellect 10.x | 11 Mb
Chaos Intellect is our next-generation email client AND contact manager, all in one great program! We’ll give you five good reasons to switch from your old email client and make Intellect your email program of choice! If you are looking for a contact manager without email built-in, we also make.
Chaos Intellect: Business email client and contact manager. Our newest addition to our product line has been a big hit since its release and is ready for Vista! Read on to see what the buzz is about or read Chaos Intellect email client testimonials from actual users.
Why choose to use Chaos Intellect instead of better known email client software competitors?
1) It is not just an email client, but a full contact management system!
We have an award winning contact manager called Time & Chaos, sold since 1991, and have taken all the features from it and added it to Chaos Intellect. This includes Appointment calendars, Task lists, Memos, and full network sharing capabilities.
2) It has automatically linked email for your contacts
Our Time & Chaos contact manager made sure appointments and tasks were linked back to contacts to give you a record of what had happened in your relationship with them.
Intellect takes it one step further by indexing all of the incoming and outgoing messages and automatically linking them to contacts with recognized email addresses.
In the inbox, messages from people you know are immediately apparent, as they have a special business card icon on your message list.
On any contact, if you bring up their details and go to Linked Mail Items, you can quickly see any emails they sent you or you sent them!
3) It has powerful spam-fighting tools
Mail filters, Bayesian learning filters and a special SmartFilter designed to catch the “cheaters” who send spam specifically designed to beat normal filters. All of these mail rules are available to help get the junk out of your inbox!
The people in your contacts, however, are protected and “white-listed” so any messages from them will go straight to your inbox instead of getting filtered out by mistake.
4) It has special email features for Business users, including email merges
With the powerful contact database we have, the people you email often can be placed into groups and categories, which can function as the various mailing lists you use. With categories, one contact can be on as many different specialized lists as you would choose to create.
When you send to a group of contacts, you aren’t forced to use the Blind Copy field to keep email addresses private. You can also choose to use our mail merge features instead, similar to the merge features with Microsoft Word for paper letters. Insert some fields into your email, select the recipients, and Intellect will create an individual, personalized message for each person you are sending the message to, addressed directly to them, and looking like a one-to-one message directly from you.
5) Your data, including email messages, can be shared or synchronized
Intellect is network ready, so you can share databases or mailboxes with other users on your network. You can even pick and choose which databases you want to share, if you want to keep some of the databases personal for you.
Intellect also has an option to “Sync with removable media” to take a copy of your data and email with you or to merge your changes back when you return. No longer will you have to be at a particular machine to read and answer your email!
我们有一个屡获殊荣的联络经理,名为Time&Chaos,自1991年开始销售,并且已经利用了其中的所有功能并将其添加到Chaos Intellect中。这包括约会日历,任务列表,备忘录和完整的网络共享功能。
当您发送给一组联系人时,您不会被迫使用“盲目复制”字段来保持电子邮件地址的私密性。您也可以选择使用我们的邮件合并功能,类似于Microsoft Word中用于纸质信件的合并功能。在您的电子邮件中插入一些字段,选择收件人,然后Intellect将为您向其发送消息的每个人创建一条个性化消息,直接发送给他们,看起来像直接来自您的一对一消息。

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