
学习Python进行数据科学分析:从初级到高级 (英文)

发布日期:2024年5月 视频格式:MP4 | 视频:h264,1920×1080 | 音频:AAC,44.1 KHz 语言:英语 | 大小:1.19 GB | 时长:1小时47分钟


你将学到什么: Python的高级用法 Python语言编码 Python中的问题陈述 Python编程语言的语法 开发人员的Python

要求: 无需任何先前要求 从基础到高级学习

描述: 通过我们全面的Python课程,踏上一段变革性的人工智能和机器学习之旅。无论您是初学者还是经验丰富的程序员,本课程都将成为您掌握Python在AI和ML领域能力的门户。通过精心设计的课程大纲,您将首先在Python编程方面奠定坚实的基础,掌握其语法、数据结构和控制流。有了这个基础,您将深入研究使Python成为AI和ML开发首选语言的专业技术和库。从数据操作和预处理到模型构建和评估,课程的每个模块都旨在提供实践经验和真实世界应用。深入探索神经网络的世界,探索深度学习的复杂性,并利用机器学习算法的力量解决复杂问题。在专家指导和充满活力的学习社区的支持下,您不仅将获得实用技能,还将培养解决AI和ML挑战的信心。无论您是希望在数据科学领域展开职业生涯,还是希望增强现有技能,本课程都将为您提供在不断发展的AI和ML领域蓬勃发展所需的工具和知识。


课程概述: 第1部分:印地语介绍

  • 介绍
  • Python中的数据类型
  • Python中的条件语句
  • Python中的循环语句
  • Python中的运算符


  • 数据类型
  • 运算符
  • 条件和循环语句


  • 反转数字
  • 十进制转二进制
  • 素数
  • 奇偶数
  • 斐波那契序列
  • 等差数列
  • 线性搜索


  • 冒泡排序
  • 合并
  • 并集
  • 数组中间值
  • 缺失数字
  • 数组中的重复
  • 旋转数组





Learn Python For Data Science : Beginner To AdvanceLearn Python For Data Science : Beginner To AdvancePublished 5/2024
MP4 | Video: h264, 1920×1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 1.19 GB | Duration: 1h 47m

“Master Python: Unleashing the Power of Data Science and Machine Learning” with sample Project

What you’ll learn
Advanced of Python
Coding with Python Language
Problem Statement in Python
Syntax of Python Programming Language
Python for Developer

No Previous Requirements
Learn from Basic to Advance

Embark on a transformative journey into the heart of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with our comprehensive Python course. Designed for beginners and seasoned programmers alike, this course serves as your gateway to mastering Python’s capabilities in the realm of AI and ML.Through a carefully crafted curriculum, you’ll first establish a solid foundation in Python programming, mastering its syntax, data structures, and control flow. With this groundwork in place, you’ll then delve deep into the specialized techniques and libraries that empower Python as the language of choice for AI and ML development.From data manipulation and preprocessing to model building and evaluation, each module of the course is crafted to provide hands-on experience and real-world applications. Dive into the world of neural networks, explore the intricacies of deep learning, and harness the power of machine learning algorithms to solve complex problems.Guided by expert instructors and supported by a vibrant learning community, you’ll not only gain practical skills but also develop the confidence to tackle AI and ML challenges head-on. Whether you’re aspiring to launch a career in data science or seeking to enhance your existing skill set, this course equips you with the tools and knowledge needed to thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of AI and ML.Python for Problem Solving1

Section 1: Introduction in Hindi

Lecture 1 Introduction

Lecture 2 Datatypes in Python

Lecture 3 Conditional Statement in Python

Lecture 4 Loop Statement in Python

Lecture 5 Operator in Python

Section 2: Introduction in English

Lecture 6 Datatypes

Lecture 7 Operators

Lecture 8 Conditional & Loop Statement

Section 3: Problem Solving with Python : Basic

Lecture 9 Reverse Number

Lecture 10 Decimal to Binary

Lecture 11 Prime Number

Lecture 12 Even Odd Number

Lecture 13 Fibonacci Series

Lecture 14 Arithmetic Progression

Lecture 15 Linear Search

Section 4: Problem Solving with Python : Intermediate

Lecture 16 Bubble Sort

Lecture 17 Merge

Lecture 18 Union

Lecture 19 Mid of Array

Lecture 20 Missing Number

Lecture 21 Duplicate in Array

Lecture 22 Rotate Array

Section 5: Data Science & Machine Learning

Lecture 23 Reference Book

Section 6: Natural Language Processing

Lecture 24 Reference Book

Beginner Python for Problem solving,Advance Python Programming





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