
数据科学案例研究视频课:真实世界的机器学习项目 (英文)

最近更新日期为 2/2024
MP4 | 视频:h264,1280×720 | 音频:AAC,44.1 千赫
语言:英语(美国)| 大小:596.06 MB | 时长:2小时4分钟


熟练掌握使用基本的 Python 库,如 pandas、Scikit-learn 和 seaborn 进行全面的数据分析、可视化和机器学习。
在 Python 中构建、测试和评估线性回归模型的专业知识,确保能够评估模型性能并不断改进。

基本了解 Python 编程语言

你准备好踏上数据驱动的机器学习和数据科学之旅了吗?如果你正在寻找一个实用而强大的起点,那么你来对地方了。线性回归,这个简单但极受欢迎的机器学习算法,就是你的入口。它不仅仅是术语;它是一个多功能工具,用于发现数据中的重要见解并预测未来。在这个实践性的数据科学和机器学习项目中,我们将深入研究加利福尼亚房价背后的驱动因素。你将学会如何清理和可视化数据,处理数据,并利用各种 Python 库。通过本项目的结束,你将掌握 Python 中的线性回归,并获得进行数据科学项目的必要技能。你将获得什么:
Python 库的掌握:深入研究数据科学和机器学习,包括 pandas、Scikit-learn、statsmodels、matplotlib 和 seaborn。
Data Science Case Study: Real-World Machine Learning Project

Last updated 2/2024
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280×720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English (US) | Size: 596.06 MB | Duration: 2h 4m

Unlock the Power of Machine Learning in Real-World Scenarios

What you’ll learn
Gain a thorough understanding of linear regression, applying it to real-world data for insightful predictions.
Acquire proficiency in utilizing essential Python libraries like pandas, Scikit-learn, and seaborn for comprehensive data analysis, visualization, and machine l
Enhance practical data science abilities through hands-on experience with a project centered on analyzing and forecasting California house prices, equipping you
Learn advanced techniques for cleaning and visualizing data to extract meaningful patterns, trends, and correlations essential for informing machine learning mo
Develop expertise in building, testing, and evaluating linear regression models in Python, ensuring the ability to assess model performance and iteratively enha
Apply machine learning skills to address practical problems, showcasing your capacity to translate data into actionable insights that drive decision-making and
Master the art of documenting and presenting your data science projects on personal platforms such as websites and resumes, enhancing your visibility and appeal
Kickstart your data science journey with confidence, armed with a robust foundation in fundamental concepts and practical skills necessary to delve into more co

Basic understanding of Python programming language
Familiarity with data analysis concepts
Access to a computer with internet connection
Willingness to learn and engage in hands-on projects

Are you ready to embark on a data-driven journey into the world of machine learning and data science? If you’re looking for a practical yet powerful starting point, then you’re in the right place. Linear regression, the simple yet highly popular machine learning algorithm, is your gateway. It’s not just jargon; it’s a versatile tool used to uncover crucial insights in your data and predict the future.In this hands-on data science and machine learning project, we’ll delve into the driving factors behind California house prices. You’ll learn how to clean and visualize data, process it, and harness various Python libraries. By the end of this project, you’ll have mastered linear regression in Python and gained essential skills for conducting data science projects.What You’ll Gain:Mastery of Python Libraries: Dive into data science and machine learning with pandas, Scikit-learn, statsmodels, matplotlib, and seaborn.Real-World Application: Apply your knowledge to a hands-on project that you can showcase on your personal website and resume.Step-by-Step Approach: Follow a clear, concise case study to build your confidence and expertise in machine learning and data science.Start your data science journey with a simple yet strong foundation. Let’s get started!This course will empower you to unlock the potential of data science, equipping you with the skills to make informed decisions and drive success in the tech industry.




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