
使用.NET Core精通高级C#:通过实际编码和实践任务深度学习教程 (英文)

高级 C# 与 .NET Core:通过编程学习

视频格式:MP4 | 视频:h264, 1280×720 | 音频:AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
语言:英语 | 时长:15小时10分钟 | 文件大小:5.6 GB

高级 C# 精通与 .NET Core:现场编程与实际任务,深入学习

.NET Core:一个跨平台的开源框架,用于构建现代化的高性能应用程序。
C# 的核心功能:包括模式匹配、代理、事件、Lambda 表达式和 LINQ,简化常见的编程任务。
掌握 C# 数据库编程的基础知识,通过 ADO.NET 使与数据库的交互流畅进行,以便数据存储和操作。

具有 C# 基础概念的基础理解,包括变量、类型转换、条件语句、迭代循环、类和结构、枚举和集合。

通过我的全面课程“高级 C# 与 .NET Core:通过编程学习”释放 C# 的全部潜力。深入 C# 编程的复杂性,并通过动手编码练习和现实世界项目掌握 .NET Core 的力量。

在当今技术驱动的世界中,C# 是最受欢迎的编程语言之一,支持各种领域的广泛应用。了解 C# 不仅可以打开通往丰厚职业机会的大门,还能让你拥有构建强大、可扩展和高效软件解决方案的技能。

为什么学习 C#?
C# 是一种多功能且强大的编程语言,广泛用于网页开发、游戏开发、移动应用开发等。
凭借对 .NET 框架的广泛支持,C# 使开发人员能够为包括 Windows、macOS、Linux、iOS 和 Android 在内的多个平台创建应用程序。
掌握 C# 可以为学习 Microsoft 生态系统中的其他语言和技术打下坚实的基础,例如 ASP.NET Core、Xamarin 和 Unity。

在 C# 基础上构建
掌握本课程涵盖的高级概念之前,了解 C# 基础是必不可少的。如果你是 C# 编程的新手,可以考虑报名我的课程“C# 基础与 .NET Core”,以建立坚实的基础。这个课程是一个自然的延伸,更深入地探讨高级主题,扩展你的技能集,让你更有信心应对更复杂的编程挑战。无论你是经验丰富的开发人员希望提高技能,还是渴望提升编码技能的初学者,“高级 C# 与 .NET Core:通过编程学习”都能为你提供量身定制的全面学习体验。
Advanced C# with .NET Core: Learn by Coding

Published 5/2024
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280×720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
Language: English | Duration: 15h 10m | Size: 5.6 GB

Advanced C# Mastery with .NET Core: Live Coding and Practical Assignments for In-depth Learning

What you’ll learn
The .NET Core: A cross-platform, open-source framework for building modern, high-performance applications.
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Principles: Encompass classes, inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and abstraction to design robust software solutions.
Creating and implementing reusable components and controls.
Architect applications with high cohesion and loose coupling, ensuring testability and extensibility through the judicious use of interfaces.
Core Functionalities of C#: Incorporating pattern matching, delegates, events, Lambda expressions, and LINQ to streamline common programming tasks.
Master the fundamentals of database programming in C# through ADO NET, enabling seamless interaction with databases for data storage, and manipulation.

Foundational comprehension of C# concepts, encompassing variables, type casting, conditional statements, iterative loops, classes and structures, enumerations and collections.

Unlock the full potential of C# with my comprehensive course, ‘Advanced C# with .NET Core: Learn by Coding.’ Dive deep into the intricacies of C# programming and harness the power of .NET Core through hands-on coding exercises and real-world projects.

In today’s technology-driven world, C# stands as one of the most sought-after programming languages, powering a wide range of applications across various domains. Understanding C# not only opens doors to lucrative career opportunities but also equips you with the skills needed to build robust, scalable, and efficient software solutions.

Why Learn C#?

C# is a versatile and powerful programming language widely used in web development, game development, mobile app development, and more.

With its extensive support for the .NET framework, C# enables developers to create applications for multiple platforms, including Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android.

Mastering C# provides a strong foundation for learning other languages and technologies in the Microsoft ecosystem, such as ASP.NET Core, Xamarin, and Unity.

Building on C# Fundamentals

Previous knowledge of C# basics is essential for mastering advanced concepts covered in this course. If you’re new to C# programming, consider enrolling in my course “C# Basics with .NET Core” to build a strong foundation. This course serves as a natural progression, delving deeper into advanced topics, expanding your skill set, and empowering you to tackle more complex programming challenges with confidence. Whether you’re a seasoned developer looking to sharpen your skills or a beginner eager to take your coding journey to the next level, “Advanced C# with .NET Core: Learn by Coding” offers a comprehensive learning experience tailored to your needs.

Why This Course?

Join Instructor Thomas Mathew in the ultimate guide to mastering C# basics with .NET Core. With over 22,000 students already trained in live classes, Thomas brings his expertise to the online world. Dive into C# programming with a structured approach that’s accessible to beginners yet comprehensive enough for seasoned developers. Each section is meticulously crafted, featuring engaging lectures, quizzes, and live coding demonstrations. Practical coding assignments challenge you to apply your newfound knowledge to real-world scenarios, enhancing your problem-solving skills. Downloadable resources, including demo applications and assignment solutions, ensure you have everything you need to succeed.

This course goes beyond the basics, delving into advanced topics like principles of OPPS, asynchronous programming, LINQ, delegates, events, database programming and more.

Learn by doing with my hands-on coding approach, where you’ll tackle real-world challenges and build practical applications from scratch.

Stay ahead of the curve with up-to-date content that reflects the latest advancements in C# and .NET Core.

Gain confidence in your coding skills and build a strong portfolio of projects to showcase to potential employers or clients.

Whether you’re a seasoned developer looking to level up your C# skills or a beginner eager to embark on your programming journey, ‘Advanced C# with .NET Core: Learn by Coding’ is your gateway to success in the world of software development.

‘Explore Coding…Discover Career’





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